Polly Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback
Troubleshooting Reflection Exceptions in .Net
While troubleshooting the unit test case, I have encountered a reflection error that I was not sure where went wrong. There are multiple solutions people
Tools for Software Architect
Plant UML I would say, the best tool for any UML diagrams. Diagrams are auto-generated with simple statements. We can build our own themes for
HttpClient post json data
While I was debugging the Mobile application for login and API connectivity observed issues and Http error codes – 500, 4xx, and did not understand
30 Common interview questions for Senior Software Engineer & Technical Architect
What are the SOLID principles? Explain each with examples? Where you have implemented SOLID in your project? What are the design patterns have you used
AngularJS Helloworld
As a Developer, we know that Web browser understands HTML. Most of the client side frameworks works on HTML to improve the performance of user
Major Web applications attacks in .Net
As a Programmer, when we write code, we will concentrate on the functionality and output, but we are least bother about security of the application.
Android versions and version codes
All of us learned A for apple and B for ball, isn’t it?. Google followed same approach for version code names. Version code names also follows same
Scheduling background task using Alarm Manager Android
All of us know, what Alarm does. Alarms will run in the background, whenever it counter the time, plays nice Music. Alarm wake-up us. Every phone
My New Mobile HTC One X and its Reviews
Recently, Went to service center for repairing my old phone Samsung galaxy Captivate. They told that phone screen is damaged and have to replace the