30 Common interview questions for Senior Software Engineer & Technical Architect

  1. What are the SOLID principles? Explain each with examples?
  2. Where you have implemented SOLID in your project?
  3. What are the design patterns have you used in your current project?
  4. What are the Architecture patterns are using in your current project?
  5. Explain your current project Architecture
  6. Explain Factory and Abstract Factory design patterns?
  7. Explain Singleton design patterns
  8. The design solution for Twitter feed / Twitter top trends
  9. The design solution for Short Url application
  10. Explain about CQRS
  11. Explain few GANG OF FOUR principles/design patterns
  12. What are aggregation and composition? where did you use?
  13. What is your day to day activities?
  14. Explain about Asyn and Await? State machines?
  15. When to use IEnumarable, ICollection and IList?
  16. Explain about serialization? Where did you use ?
  17. Implicit and Explicit interface
  18. How do you improve the performance of a slow running page?
  19. Explain about DDD?
  20. What is a Repository pattern?
  21. What are the coding principle do you follow?
  22. Explain about DRY, KISS, and YAGNI?
  23. Explain OOPS concepts – Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation?
  24. Monolithic VS Micro services architecrues
  25. Explain about Exception handing?
  26. API Versioning
  27. Web API – Action filters, Custom Action Filter
  28. What are the Authentication types do you know ?
  29. How does it work? OAuth / JWT / Open ID / SAML ?
  30. Continuous integration, Continuous Delivery , Continuous deployment

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