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- What are the SOLID principles? Explain each with examples?
- Where you have implemented SOLID in your project?
- What are the design patterns have you used in your current project?
- What are the Architecture patterns are using in your current project?
- Explain your current project Architecture
- Explain Factory and Abstract Factory design patterns?
- Explain Singleton design patterns
- The design solution for Twitter feed / Twitter top trends
- The design solution for Short Url application
- Explain about CQRS
- Explain few GANG OF FOUR principles/design patterns
- What are aggregation and composition? where did you use?
- What is your day to day activities?
- Explain about Asyn and Await? State machines?
- When to use IEnumarable, ICollection and IList?
- Explain about serialization? Where did you use ?
- Implicit and Explicit interface
- How do you improve the performance of a slow running page?
- Explain about DDD?
- What is a Repository pattern?
- What are the coding principle do you follow?
- Explain about DRY, KISS, and YAGNI?
- Explain OOPS concepts – Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation?
- Monolithic VS Micro services architecrues
- Explain about Exception handing?
- API Versioning
- Web API – Action filters, Custom Action Filter
- What are the Authentication types do you know ?
- How does it work? OAuth / JWT / Open ID / SAML ?
- Continuous integration, Continuous Delivery , Continuous deployment