Tools for Software Architect

Plant UML

I would say, the best tool for any UML diagrams. Diagrams are auto-generated with simple statements.

We can build our own themes for components and reuse them across the applications. This tool has a desktop version as well JAR file. When you edit the file through JAR, diagrams are auto-refreshed, png images are generated.


actor User #green
participant UI
participant "Server" #99FF99

UI->Server:Login request
UI<--Server:Login response

Generated Image By PlantUML

Download Jar:

This tool is handy for software design diagrams, anyone can quickly build diagrams with drag and drop. It exports the file as XML, you can re-open it and modify the diagrams anytime. The tool has the option to save to a cloud option like a drive etc.



The C4 model documents the architecture of a software system, by showing multiple points of view that explain the decomposition of a system into containers and components, the relationship between these elements, and, where appropriate, the relation with its users


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